
We, the Comboni Missionaries of the Malawi/Zambia Province are entirely dedicated to the missionary service, which determines our lifestyle, our activities and organization, as well as the preparation of our candidates and the ongoing formation of our members.We totally belong to the mission and we try to identify ourselves with the people we serve. The mission reality and the charism of our Founder, St. Daniel Comboni, are the sources which free us from discouragement in front of the challenges that characterize the mission ad gentes. We first carry out evangelization among the poor in both rural and urban areas with particular emphasis on the Catechumenate, formation and care of Small Christian Communities, formation of catechists, leaders and lay ministers.

Human promotion

We took up the challenge of offering the youth technical skills in two Craft Training Centres at Lunzu in Malawi and Chikowa in Zambia. 

The Comboni Missionary Brothers run a post-secondary school, the Comboni Technical Center (CTC) - Lunzu to teach business skills, specialized trades, and human formation to assist the young people of Malawi. 

Chikowa Youth Development Centre was started in 1987 as an informal training project to provide life skills in carpentry and bricklaying to the school dropouts of Chikowa. Over the years, the centre has grown into a formal technical school which targets mainly youths who have completed their secondary school education. The main objective of CYDC is to provide quality and affordable technical training to the youth from low income earning families


In 1987 we moved our Postulancy to the Inter-Congregational Seminary (ICS).
December 2001 witnessed the official opening of the new Inter-Provincial Novitiate at Bauleni (Lusaka).